Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Googleologist project

So, my eighth grade class is curious about many different things and I asked five of them something that they would like to know about. What are you curious about? It can be anything from why can't birds swallow in space to why does the earth spin from east to west and not north to south. Here are a few questions I was asked:

   1.) Are there other living creatures besides us? 
As a fact, there has been evidence found in a meteorite of simple life forms. It supposedly came from Mars and it had been found in Antarctica; as for now it's unknow for what had made the form. 
   2.) How many galaxies are out there?
There happens to be one to two hundred billion galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars in each of the galaxies.  
   3.) Why does light produce a color?
The color of anything basically depends on the type of light that is sent to our eyes. White light from the sun contains all the possible color variations.
   4.) Why do we have tail bones, but no tails?
They don't know why we have a tail bone, without a tail but perhaps it's mainly because we don't really need to have one.
    5.) Does it take longer flying from west than east?
It takes longer flying from western destinations than it does to Eastern destinations mainly due the the jet streams.

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